Hi, I would like to ask 2 questions and report a bug on the forum:
1. I have a Taxonomy field with Field type as Checkbox list. Is it possible to keep the term inline (back end) as the Radio list.
2. I created a Single Image field and some other Text fields for a taxonomy. When adding terms, sometime only the single image field saves data, the other fields became empty. Around 50% of the terms got this issue. I then had to click on each term to add again.
I tried to put higher limits on PHP setting but it still happens
(PHP Setting: max_execution_time 3000, max_input_time 6000, max_input_vars 100000, memory_limit 512MB)
3. Bug: On my user dashboard of this forum, I can check the topic I've created. But when clicking the page number at the bottom, it leads to the main forum (https://support.metabox.io/) instead of getting to the page.
Thank you.