I'm trying to actually understand why using echo
produces different results when displaying values. I have num_of_items
stored with a value of 6.
* THE: <dd><?php rwmb_the_value('num_of_items'); ?></dd>
displays 6
* ECHO THE: <dd><?php echo rwmb_the_value('num_of_items'); ?></dd>
displays 66
* GET: <dd><?php rwmb_get_value('num_of_items'); ?></dd>
displays nothing
* ECHO GET: <dd><?php echo rwmb_the_value('num_of_items'); ?></dd>
displays 6
I've been studying the related docs: https://docs.metabox.io/rwmb-get-value/ & https://docs.metabox.io/rwmb-the-value/ - But still a little confused on how/why echo
affects them.