In ACF there's a pretty straightforward way to grab a whole group of fields
acf_get_field_group('my_field_group') and acf_get_fields($field_group).
Why there's NO way in achieving this with Meta Box???
Why is there an option to create a field group that cannot be referred to later?
This is a major design flaw in my opinion.
Also the options here haven't changed since 3 years or so.
I think this is a very crucial option to have.
Maybe I'm just dumb but I tried to figure it out for at least a day now and nothing works.
rwmb_meta('my-fieldset') just remains empty.
And other options aren't there - regarding the Developer Guide.
Just to address single fields.
Wow. Now I have 80 single fields, should I then address them by hand 80 times?
There HAS to be a way I'm not able to figure out!