Hey folks. i try to hide fields only on categories from Woocommerce custom post type category = product_cat - with the code below it is not working. i need to hide only fields not meta boxes.
The product id of the Woocommerce product_cat equals 18.
I think something is wrong here, but i can't figure out where. Can you please assist?
In Woocommerce i also have products assigned to different product_cats and i need to hide some of the fields on one but not the other category - is that possible?
array (
'id' => 'lautstaerke_minimum',
'type' => 'text',
'name' => 'Lautstärke Minimum',
'desc' => 'Beispiel 49 dB (A)',
'std' => '49 dB (A)',
'tab' => 'geraet',
'' => '',
'hidden' =>
array (
'when' =>
array (
0 =>
array (
0 => 'product_cat',
1 => '=',
2 => 18,
'relation' => 'or',