Hi! Do I see correctly that wysiwyg fields use wp_kses for sanitization?
I am asking because I have the issue that the tags allowed by this are still too many.
Some users copy-paste contents they took from LinkedIn. Some of the tags that get pasted actually destroy the layout in frontend.
Of course they could use that "paste text only" button but they keep forgetting that.
So I would like to ask if it is possible to set the fields to "strip all tags, allow only the following..." - and if that is possible, could you give me a hint or an example as to how to integrate that?
I do understand this tag list (https://core.trac.wordpress.org/browser/trunk/src/wp-includes/kses.php) but I do not yet know how to best use that for metabox wysiwyg (and maybe also text and textarea...)
Thank you in advance!