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Support › MB Builder › Add Dropdown select of saved data using functions.phpResolved
I'm familiar with creating custom meta boxes using php, but for a recent project I've been using the builder, and it's great!
However, I would like to add a dropdown to a clonable field, top be populated from saved information in another custom field ... and I'm struggling. Any pointers?
So I have:
Field group: id= 'maintenance-and-faults'
Inside that a clonal group, id: fault-reporting
I want to allow the user to select an item of faulty equipment which is in another field group which contains a clonable list of equipment.
Field group: 'instument-details'
Clonable group: 'group_j7gfnvh6y4t'
Field: id 'serial_no'
I'm pretty sure I could generate that code in functions.php but how can I hook it into the editor to add it to the bottom of the field group?
I'm trying a different tack using the Select Advanced field and a callback function.
This is my function, but it's not populating the dropdown yet...
function populate_my_select_field() {
global $post;
$options = [];
// Check if we are in the admin area and a post object exists
if (is_admin() && !empty($post)) {
$post_id = $post->ID;
// Fetch the meta values from the specified group for the current post
$groups = rwmb_meta('group_j7gfnvh6y4t', '', $post_id);
foreach ($groups as $group) {
// Assuming 'height' and 'serial_no' are keys in your group
$height = $group['height'] ?? '';
$serial_no = $group['serial_no'] ?? '';
if ($height && $serial_no) {
$key = $serial_no; // Using serial_no as the value
$options[$key] = "Height: $height, Serial No: $serial_no";
return $options;
found my way through this, in case anyone else needs it:
function populate_my_select_field() {
//global $post;
$options = [];
$post_id = null;
// Check if we are in the admin area and a post object exists
if (is_admin()) {
$post_id = $_GET['post'] ?? get_the_ID();
error_log('Current post ID: ' . $post_id);
// Fetch the meta values from the specified group for the current post
$groups = rwmb_meta('group_j7gfnvh6y4t', '', $post_id);
error_log(print_r($groups, true));
foreach ($groups as $group) {
// Assuming 'height' and 'serial_no' are keys in your group
$height = $group['height'] ?? '';
$serial_no = $group['serial_no'] ?? '';
if ($height && $serial_no) {
$key = $serial_no; // Using serial_no as the value
$options[$key] = "Height: $height, Serial No: $serial_no";
return $options;
While I can see my options in the select dropdown, the chosen item is not saved when the post is updated.
I tested with this simplified version:
function populate_my_select_field() {
return [
'option1' => 'Option 1',
'option2' => 'Option 2',
But when I populate using fields from the post, the select box is refreshed each time. How do I get it to commit? One way would be to check through the entries each time in the function and compare to the current value of the dropdown... but is there a more efficient way?
function populate_my_select_field() {
return [
'option1' => 'Option 1',
'option2' => 'Option 2',
And the dynamically populated version:
function populate_my_select_field() {
$options = [];
$post_id = null;
if (is_admin()) {
$post_id = $_GET['post'] ?? get_the_ID();
if ($post_id) {
// Define the groups and their corresponding prefixes
$group_ids = [
'group_j7gfnvh6y4t' => 'Anem', // Anemometers
'vanes' => 'Vane', // Wind Vanes
'miscelaneou' => '' // Miscellaneous
foreach ($group_ids as $group_id => $prefix) {
$groups = rwmb_meta($group_id, '', $post_id);
// Check if $groups is an array before iterating
if (is_array($groups)) {
foreach ($groups as $group) {
$height = $group['height'] ?? '';
$serial_no = isset($group['serial_no']) ? trim($group['serial_no']) : ''; // Trim the serial number
$type = $group_id === 'miscelaneou' ? ($group['type'] ?? 'Unknown') : '';
if ($height && $serial_no) {
// Construct a unique key and label for the option
//$key = $group_id . '_' . $serial_no;
//$label = ($prefix ?: $type) . " " . $height . "m, Serial No ". $serial_no;
$key = $serial_no;
$label = $serial_no;
$options[$key] = $label;
return $options;
Can anyone help me with getting the dynamically populated values to save?
If you use the simplified version
function populate_my_select_field() {
return [
'option1' => 'Option 1',
'option2' => 'Option 2',
then the field still doesn't save value. Please check if the setting Save field value
is enabled, screenshot
I've tested with the simplified version and it works as expected; the values are saved and I'm able to retrieve them on the front end.