Meta Box
Support Forum
Support › General › add fields to Quick Edit sectionResolved
Hi Long, Are we able to add metabox fields to the Quick Edit section? I have a few text fields and one advance dropdown I'd like to add to this area.
Thanks in advance!
Thank you for your idea, we've marked this feature on the roadmap. Currently, you can use the plugin Admin Columns and their addon Meta Box Integration to edit the field in Admin Columns.
Hey everybody,
I would be very interested in the status on this feature as I have the same interest.
The ability to use Quick Edit with MetaBox fields would be really valuable for our content managers!
Also interested in this.
The same here! I have an order field for display posts in an order.
This would be really useful
+1 That would be awesome!
+1, this is so needed, even ACF can do it, please...
+1, it would be neat!
Is there a programmatic way to do this?
Yes please, this would be extremely handy.
+1 - Yes Please!
+1 - please
Does the Admin Columsn plugin allow to Bulk edit relationships? It's not obvious at