Can anyone help me figure out how to loop through some other custom post types and populate a select dropdown with values?
For example - if I wanted to associate Products with another post type by id - I would want to populate this with a custom loop.. is this even possible?
'name' => __( 'Select', 'rwmb' ),
'id' => "{$prefix}select",
'type' => 'select',
// Array of 'value' => 'Label' pairs for select box
'options' => array(
'value1' => __( 'Label1', 'rwmb' ),
'value2' => __( 'Label2', 'rwmb' ),
// Select multiple values, optional. Default is false.
'multiple' => false,
'std' => 'value2',
'placeholder' => __( 'Select an Item', 'rwmb' ),