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Support › MB Relationships › Breakdance Metabox Bi relationshipResolved
Hi, I was following this tutorial and failed. The query loop does not show me any results. Did you have any similar issue you can advice me on how to solve it please?
I am trying to have relationship between: FAQs and Services It does not show me error, but blank element
I remember I was doing this in oxygen and it worked, so I cant figure out why in breakdance, not.
let me know please
Hello Patrik,
Please share the relationship settings between FAQs and Services, query code to get the relationship data. I will help you check the issue. Refer to the documentation
it is sorted...
I used this code as on the tutorial,
return [ 'post_type' => 'course', 'posts_per_page'=>-1, 'relationship' => [ 'id' => 'instructor-to-course', 'from' => get_the_ID() ], ];
'from' had to be changed to 'to' ...