Thank you for your answer. I ended up building a function and shortcode to drop the information into the post module custom layout. I couldn't figure out how to tell the View what the post id was inside the Beaver Themer module. It's works using this function.
function member_contact_info(){
echo '<div class="member-org-title">', get_the_title( $post_id ),'</div>';
$contact_values = rwmb_meta( 'member_group_contacts' );
if ( ! empty( $contact_values ) ) {
foreach ( $contact_values as $contact_value ) {
echo '<div class="member-contact-group">';
echo '<div class="contact-name">', $contact_value['member_contact_name'], '</div>';
echo '<div class="contact-title">', $contact_value['member_contact_title'], '</div>';
echo '<div class="contact-email"><a href="mailto:', $contact_value['member_contact_email'], '">',$contact_value['member_contact_email'], '</a></div>';
echo '<div class="contact-phone">', $contact_value['member_contact_phone'], '</div></div>';
add_shortcode('membercontact', 'member_contact_info');
I cobbled it together using information I found in the Metabox documentation. Thanks again.