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Support › MB Conditional Logic › Conditional logic fails on switch in 1.6.6Resolved
Since updating to 1.6.6, all of the switches I'm using to toggle metaboxes on/off aren't working. After I save the page, the sections will appear/disappear properly, so the field is getting added to the DB correctly.
Here's a sample of the code I'm using and the JavaScript error I get in the admin.
My code:
'name' => 'Add modal information?',
'id' => 'service_payment_info_select',
'type' => 'switch',
'on_label' => 'Yes',
'off_label' =>'No'
'visible' => array('service_payment_info_select', true),
'id' => 'service_modal_info_link_text',
'name' => 'Clickable link text',
'type' => 'text',
JS error:
conditional-logic.js?ver=1.5:240 Uncaught TypeError: $scope.hasClass is not a function
at conditional-logic.js?ver=1.5:240
at Array.forEach (<anonymous>)
at isLogicCorrect (conditional-logic.js?ver=1.5:224)
at conditional-logic.js?ver=1.5:205
at Function.s.each.s.forEach (underscore.min.js?ver=1.8.3:1)
at conditional-logic.js?ver=1.5:198
at Function.s.each.s.forEach (underscore.min.js?ver=1.8.3:1)
at runConditionalLogic (conditional-logic.js?ver=1.5:197)
at init (conditional-logic.js?ver=1.5:563)
at conditional-logic.js?ver=1.5:571<code></code>
I've just tested 2 fields above and they work. Can you post the full code here?
That is a small piece of a MUCH larger and more complex set of metaboxes, with custom classes in some cases. Here's most of the relevant code.
I rolled back to 1.6.4 and the JS error disappears and the metaboxes work as expected. I haven't tried 1.6.5 yet.
Here is the video I recorded with your code:
As you see, the switch field works. I tested with Gutenberg (WordPress 5.2.2) and also tested with the classic editor (with Disable Gutenberg plugin activated). There's also no errors in the console.
Thank you for looking into this!
This is weird. I'm using the Disable Guttenberg plugin and that's where I'm seeing the issue. When I use Guttenberg, I don't see the problem. I'll try and figure out what's going on. It might be something custom I'm doing.
The other thing I'm noticing is that I'm always seeing the JS error in the admin with Disable Gutenberg turned on, even if I'm on an admin page without any meta boxes.
I was able to address the JS error and the switch meta box not working by wrapping the block starting at line 240 with a check to make sure $scope
is defined.
if ( window.hasOwnProperty.$scope ) {
// Try broader scope if field is in a cloneable group.
if ( ! isGutenbergElement( logic[0] ) && ! dependentFieldSelector && $scope.hasClass( 'rwmb-group-clone' ) ) {
$scope = getScope( $field, true );
selectorCache = getSelectorCache( $scope ),
dependentFieldSelector = getSelector( logic[0], selectorCache );
The same issue here.
Uncaught TypeError: $scope.hasClass is not a function
at conditional-logic.js?ver=1.5:240
Hey guys,
Thanks for your feedback. Based on what FED offered, I think this patch is a little better. Can you please try replace the line 240 in the conditional-logic.js
with this?
if ( ! isGutenbergElement( logic[0] ) && ! dependentFieldSelector && $scope && $scope.hasClass( 'rwmb-group-clone' ) ) {
I'll release a new version when it's confirmed. Thanks!
Works beautifully!