I am trying to create a single post type template in elementor pro (or bricks as an alternative) for a custom post type that is connected to other post types via it's custom fields. As a simple example, when creating a new post for CPT1 i have a custom field that selects which of the CPT2 posts are included with that CPT1 post. Then on the template page I want to load the values from some custom fields of the specific CPT2 posts.
Firstly, I would like to know if this is at all possible/supported by metabox either via it's view's builder or through Elementor Pro or Bricks.
Secondly, if the answer is yes, can you please point me in the right direction?
I have been struggling to load those CPT2 custom fields values into the CPT1 single post template with no success.
I have tried my best to do a visual representation of what is in my head in the PDF linked here: https://yellow-jeanna-72.tiiny.site .
Thanks in advance for your help.