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Support › Meta Box AIO › Custom Fields just deleted again
I change the field type from wysiwyg and added a url field. hit save and now custom field type is blank...just shows title. All entries on content dont appear either. If i export the json it shows the fields , but reimporting doesnt fix.
managed to edit the json myself to get it working.
settings was missing completely and edited out last few boxes i added. Now it wont change from post type post.
Hi Jack,
You can try to edit the JSON file and change the post type under the field settings
, then re-import to the builder.
"settings": {
"object_type": "post",
"post_types": [
"portfolio" //here
"tab_style": "default",
"tab_default_active": "",
"custom_table": {
"name": ""
"class": "",
"prefix": "",
"text_domain": "your-text-domain",
"function_name": "your_prefix_function_name"
this only changed it for the install second i went and save the custom meta it went back to tripo. had to delete the group using the wysiwyg that id changed to text field to get it to save correctly. errors like this are time consuming - can we make sure to try track down the cause? am a little bit suprised here that you didnt a) acknowledge that this is not supposed to happen and is wild unheard of behaviour. makes me think its routine. b) ask for more info about what led to the issue so you can track and fix. im saying this as feedback so please dont be offended. im just new to the plugin and im looking at building a huge enterprise subdomain with it and need to make sure its reliable. would you like my json file so you can understand the issue or are you already aware and tracking it to resolve?
Hi Jack,
Please share the JSON file and some screenshots of the issue on your site. I will try to reproduce it on my site.