Support Forum
I have a custom taxonomy (state) set up for a CPT (reps), and it doesn't display properly on the edit post page. I see the 'states' UI on the right-hand side of the edit page, but nothing appears below it except 'add states.' The states have already been added. In fact, the admin columns show which states have been applied to each post (because it used to work just fine.). The taxonomy has been assigned to the 'reps' CPT via taxonomies > post types > rep (reps). It is hierarchical. I did not register the taxonomy through the CPT. However, I did try this but to no avail.
Is anyone going to respond to my request?
Hello Joe,
Do you use a taxonomy field for the CPT "reps" on the same editing page? Also, please try to deactivate all plugins except Meta Box, MB extension plugins, switch to another theme and recheck this issue.
No, I do not use a custom field with the type 'taxonomy' or 'taxonomy advanced.' I have deactivated all plugins except for Meta Box and Meta Box AIO, and the issue persists. For what it's worth, I have other CPTs and taxonomies set up, and they work fine. I'm using Oxygen, so switching themes won't help, correct?
Please share your site credentials via this contact form
I will take a closer look.
Were you able to find anything?
I've asked you to share the login link but not received any reply. You shared the user and password without the login link.
Whoops. I will submit it now.
The user or password is incorrect. Can you please recheck this?
I submitted it again.
I see you send the same user and password as before. Can you please double-check the account before sharing it?
I just resubmitted. Not sure why it won't accept email as the user...
The password is still incorrect. Here is the screen record
I don't understand what the problem is. It's right. I just logged in using different browsers (in incognito mode), and it works. I've now reset the password because the video you posted displays my credentials to anyone who cares to see it...
I'm setting up a new user and will resubmit those credentials via the contact form.