Hi all,
I have my site settings page created and organized using the MB tab plugin. It looks great in the WP dashboard page. I also have it set too work in the customizer. It appears in the customizer, but it shows a tabbed design instead of individual panels.
Could you help me understand how to make it appear as individual panels in customizer, but keep the tabbed design in the Dashboard?
This is the customizer image
Here is the site settings dashboard page
I'd like it to appear like this:
Here is the opening part of my code:
// Site Info Settings
add_filter( 'rwmb_meta_boxes', function ( $meta_boxes ) {
// Church Information Section
$meta_boxes[] = array(
'id' => 'church-info',
'title' => 'Church Information',
'settings_pages' => 'site-info',
'fields' => array(
array (
'id' => 'single_image_church',
'type' => 'single_image',
'name' => esc_html__( 'Church Image', 'text-domain' ),
'tab' => 'ta_set1',
'name' => 'Church Name',
'id' => 'text',
'type' => 'text',
'placeholder' => 'Church Name',
'size' => 30,
'tab' => 'ta_set1',