Hi there,
As you know I am building a theme and using your plugin, Meta Box with it.
As I create the theme, I usually run it through the Themecheck Plugin (https://wordpress.org/plugins/theme-check/). This plugin runs a series of checks to make sure that the theme is following the WordPress Theme Review Standards, https://make.wordpress.org/themes/handbook/review/
If an error is encountered, you are shown what the error is so you can correct.
So today I scanned my theme before starting to do some additional work and I got the following:
RECOMMENDED: Tags: is either empty or missing in style.css header.
So I checked style.css
and yep the tags are there. So I did some digging and came across this GitHub issue: https://github.com/WordPress/theme-check/issues/50
In it you will see that Otto states:
The Tags header is not allowed to be empty or missing, and you should not have more than one style.css file, even if it's in subdirectories. This can cause problems in WordPress itself, because it can and will look in subdirectories to find the main stylesheet file.
So I checked the theme and forgot that I am including two extensions with the theme: MB Conditional Logic and MB Tabs. The extension that has style.css
is the MB Conditional Logic extension
So as a test I changed the name of the style sheet and ran the themecheck test again and the RECOMMENDED: Tags: is either empty or missing in style.css header.
disappeared. I thene renamed it back to style.css, ran the check and I got the message.
Is it possible for you to maybe update all your extensions that use a style.css
file and rename the stylesheets to something like meta-box-conditional-logic-style.css
or use an abbreviated name of the extension like this mbcl-style.css
That would be very helpful to any developer trying to get a theme up on WordPress.org.
So for now I have renamed the style.css file in the extension to mbcl-style.css
Thanks guys.