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Support › Meta Box – FacetWP Integrator › FacetWP 4.17 - Fatal errorResolved
Fatal error: Access level to MB_Relationships_FacetWP::$label must be public (as in class FacetWP_Facet) in [...]/wp-content/plugins/meta-box-aio/vendor/meta-box/meta-box-facetwp-integrator/class-mb-relationships-facetwp.php on line 0
I'm telling FacetWP too.
(forgot to check for notifications)
Remco from FacetWP says these two variables need to be public:
We are experiencing the same issue.
We are able to temporarily fix this by editing lines 15-22 in Scott's example to:
* Facet label.
* @var string
* @since 1.0.0
public $label; //changed to public and removed type declaration
* FacetWP Indexer.
* @var FacetWP_Indexer
public $indexer; //changed to public
Everything appears to be working now, but not sure of the long term effects, so we are eagerly awaiting an official patch.
To be clear, you installed FWP 4.1.7, allowed the site to break, then patched the MB file to make it work? I'm hesitant because I want to know what MB plans to do so what I do is down that path. I don't think the FWP update is critical.
Yes, we weren't able to rollback FacetWP, so I just changed the MB file. My thinking was that this will probably require an update of the MetaBox plugin anyway, so when that happens, my patch will be overridden with the official one.
If we get any direction here, I'll probably revert those changes and go with whatever MB says to do.
Thank you for your feedback.
This issue has been fixed in the new update of MB FacetWP Integrator v1.1.1. Can you please update this plugin and let me know if it works?
Our version of the Facet WP integration is in the Meta Box AIO plugin. Has this been updated as well?
Thank you. On a scratch site I deactivated Meta Box AIO so I only had Meta Box, Meta Box - FacetWP Integrator, and the new FacetWP 4.1.7. The site did not crash. That's good news.
I see you only had to change $label to public. I'll let FacetWP know.
I would prefer to wait until you include it in AIO before updating the main site. Otherwise I don't know how to be sure which version of the FacetWP Integrator I will end up running.
Thanks again,
FYI, it looks like this same fix has been applied to MB AIO 1.20.2, you can see it in the changelog. I have updated and everything is fine on me.