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Support › MB Admin Columns › Fields inside groups not showing as admin columns
Hi, I have a custom post type ("Change") which has several things I need to show as admin columns.
The relationships (between this CPT and other elements e.g. page, post, template) are all showing up fine.
However the attempt to show "hours" (a numeric field, stored in a group of fields on my CPT) shows the column heading fine, but just the word "array" on each line where a value is set (blank otherwise).
And my attempt to show "Reason" (a "select" field stored in a group of fields on my CPT) doesn't even show a column heading.
Please could I have some help troubleshooting this? Are these constraints of the software or am I doing something wrong?
Many thanks in advance for all help and advice.
The admin columns extension does not work with the subfields in a group field. It only works with top fields.
Let me know if it is your case.
Wow another waste of time !!!
Can you specify that in the doc aswell? Jeez!
I've informed our development team to consider supporting MB Admin Columns and subfields in a group. Hopefully, it will be available in future updates.
Any news on this? I use Meta Box group fields all the time, so the client can clone a predefined set of fields. Admin Columns is very limited without support for these subfields.
Agreed... this is a big miss. One work around for others looking for a solution =- create top level field groups as the groups you wanted to sub-group, but instead of sub-grouping, use tabs. Admin columns Pro then sees those.
Thanks for your suggestion but tabs are not cloneable, right? Meaning this is no solution to the problem, I'm afraid.
We are also hoping for this feature to have fields in groups show in admin columns. At least when the group is not set to cloneable. Cloneable groups could for example show the data from the first entry.
Is there an update to this? and, possibly related, i have a Checkbox List top level group that i can't get to display in admin columns either; not the column, or the selected value.