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Support › MB Frontend Submission › Frontend error on submitResolved
Hi guys, I´m having the error below every time I try to post from front end, any help would be appreciated
Warning: session_start(): open(/var/php_sessions/sess_0qi2079bn2ovfldqv6p537vifphhp0bl, O_RDWR) failed: No such file or directory (2) in /hermes/bosnaweb24a/b2511/dom.4dfuture/public_html/ccrc/wp-content/plugins/meta-box-aio/vendor/meta-box/mb-user-profile/src/Shortcodes/Base.php on line 49
Warning: session_start(): Failed to read session data: files (path: /var/php_sessions) in /hermes/bosnaweb24a/b2511/dom.4dfuture/public_html/ccrc/wp-content/plugins/meta-box-aio/vendor/meta-box/mb-user-profile/src/Shortcodes/Base.php on line 49
my code
add_filter( 'rwmb_meta_boxes', 'your_prefix_function_name' );
function your_prefix_function_name( $meta_boxes ) {
$prefix = '';
$meta_boxes[] = [
'title' => __( 'CCRC - PC', 'your-text-domain' ),
'id' => 'ccrc-pc',
'post_types' => ['ordem-de-servico'],
'tabs' => [
'tab_pedido' => [
'label' => 'Dados do Pedido',
'icon' => 'clipboard',
'tab_itens' => [
'label' => 'Itens',
'icon' => 'chart-bar',
'fields' => [
'name' => __( 'Número do Pedido', 'your-text-domain' ),
'id' => $prefix . 'ID_pedido',
'type' => 'text',
'columns' => 6,
'tab' => 'tab_pedido',
'name' => __( 'Data do Pedido', 'your-text-domain' ),
'id' => $prefix . 'data_pedido_now',
'type' => 'datetime-local',
'columns' => 6,
'tab' => 'tab_pedido',
'name' => __( 'Nome Solicitante', 'your-text-domain' ),
'id' => $prefix . 'nome_solicitante',
'type' => 'text',
'columns' => 6,
'tab' => 'tab_pedido',
'name' => __( 'Departamento Solicitante', 'your-text-domain' ),
'id' => $prefix . 'depto_solicitante',
'type' => 'select_advanced',
'options' => [
'' => __( '', 'your-text-domain' ),
'Carpintaria' => __( 'Carpintaria', 'your-text-domain' ),
'Elétrica' => __( 'Elétrica', 'your-text-domain' ),
'Esporte' => __( 'Esporte', 'your-text-domain' ),
'Hidráulica' => __( 'Hidráulica', 'your-text-domain' ),
'Manutenção' => __( 'Manutenção', 'your-text-domain' ),
'columns' => 6,
'tab' => 'tab_pedido',
'name' => __( 'Nome Recebedor', 'your-text-domain' ),
'id' => $prefix . 'nome_recebedor',
'type' => 'text',
'columns' => 6,
'tab' => 'tab_pedido',
'name' => __( 'Departamento Recebedor', 'your-text-domain' ),
'id' => $prefix . 'depto_recebedor',
'type' => 'select_advanced',
'options' => [
'' => __( '', 'your-text-domain' ),
'Almoxarifado' => __( 'Almoxarifado', 'your-text-domain' ),
'Patrimônio' => __( 'Patrimônio', 'your-text-domain' ),
'Gerencia' => __( 'Gerencia', 'your-text-domain' ),
'columns' => 6,
'tab' => 'tab_pedido',
'name' => __( 'Itens do pedido', 'your-text-domain' ),
'id' => $prefix . 'itens_group',
'type' => 'group',
'clone' => true,
'fields' => [
'name' => __( 'QTD', 'your-text-domain' ),
'id' => $prefix . 'qtd_produto',
'type' => 'number',
'columns' => 2,
'name' => __( 'Destino do Produto ', 'your-text-domain' ),
'id' => $prefix . 'local_destino',
'type' => 'select_advanced',
'columns' => 3,
'name' => __( 'Categoria do Serviço', 'your-text-domain' ),
'id' => $prefix . 'categoria_servico',
'type' => 'select_advanced',
'options' => [
'' => __( '', 'your-text-domain' ),
'Uso contínuo' => __( 'Uso contínuo', 'your-text-domain' ),
'Manutenção Preventiva' => __( 'Manutenção Preventiva', 'your-text-domain' ),
'Manutenção Corretiva' => __( 'Manutenção Corretiva', 'your-text-domain' ),
'Obra' => __( 'Obra', 'your-text-domain' ),
'Compra Única' => __( 'Compra Única', 'your-text-domain' ),
'columns' => 3,
'name' => __( 'Grau de Necessidade', 'your-text-domain' ),
'id' => $prefix . 'urgencia',
'type' => 'select_advanced',
'options' => [
'' => __( '', 'your-text-domain' ),
'Compra Programada' => __( 'Compra Programada', 'your-text-domain' ),
'Não Urgente' => __( 'Não Urgente', 'your-text-domain' ),
'Urgente' => __( 'Urgente', 'your-text-domain' ),
'Muito Urgente' => __( 'Muito Urgente', 'your-text-domain' ),
'columns' => 3,
'name' => __( 'Descrição do Produto / Serviço', 'your-text-domain' ),
'id' => $prefix . 'descricao_produto',
'type' => 'text',
'size' => 400,
'tab' => 'tab_itens',
return $meta_boxes;
many thanks
Hi Toni,
There was a problem with the session path on your server. Please follow this topic on StackOverFlow to know how to fix it
Or contact your hosting/server provider to ask for help in this case.
Hi Long, thanks for your help, its working