I'm trying to create a way for users to submit a frontend form that contains changes to a live (CPT) post. But I want those changes to be able to be reviewed and approved by a site admin/editor before being published.
My plan was to use MB Frontend Submission to present the CPT (which is already based on MB), but to catch the submit process and generate a PublishPress Revision using the 'API' https://publishpress.com/knowledge-base/revisions-api/.
The problem I'm struggling with is the best way to remove the original post_id (used to pre-populate the form for the user) so that a new post is created and still have the post_id available to add the necessary comment_count and postmeta entry to it to make it a PublishPress Revision.
Or is there an entirely different/better way to create a 'future' revision of a CPT from a frontend submission?