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Support › Meta Box Builder › Get Alt for caption slider
eae pessoal. Estou com um probleminha e gostaria de saber se existe essa possibilidade.
"Criei" um plugin com metabox com flexslider, e estou precisando pegar o alt ou titiulo da imagem para imprimir em um caption na image, observe o modo como eu chamo as imagens do campo:
<div class="flex-container-eventos">
<div class="flexslider">
<ul class="slides">
global $wpdb;
$images = get_post_meta( get_the_ID(), 'capa_evento', false );
$images = implode( ',' , $images );
// Re-arrange images with 'menu_order'
$images = $wpdb->get_col( "
SELECT ID FROM {$wpdb->posts}
WHERE post_type = 'attachment'
AND ID in ({$images})
ORDER BY menu_order ASC
" );
foreach ( $images as $att )
// Get image's source based on size, can be 'thumbnail', 'medium', 'large', 'full' or registed post thumbnails sizes
$src = wp_get_attachment_image_src($att, 'large');
$src = $src[0];
// Show image
echo "<li><img src='{$src}' /></li>";
Can you please write in English?
what's up guys. I have a little problem and I wonder if there is such possibility.
"I created" a plugin with metabox with flexslider, and I need to catch the alt or image titiulo to print in a caption on the image, note how I call the images of the field:
<div class="flex-container-eventos">
<div class="flexslider">
<ul class="slides">
global $wpdb;
$images = get_post_meta( get_the_ID(), 'capa_evento', false );
$images = implode( ',' , $images );
// Re-arrange images with 'menu_order'
$images = $wpdb->get_col( "
SELECT ID FROM {$wpdb->posts}
WHERE post_type = 'attachment'
AND ID in ({$images})
ORDER BY menu_order ASC
" );
foreach ( $images as $att )
// Get image's source based on size, can be 'thumbnail', 'medium', 'large', 'full' or registed post thumbnails sizes
$src = wp_get_attachment_image_src($att, 'large');
$src = $src[0];
// Show image
echo "<li><img src='{$src}' /></li>";
Hi, you can simply use the helper function rwmb_meta
to retrieve alt text of the image, like this:
$images = rwmb_meta( 'capa_evento', 'type=image&size=large' );
foreach ( $images as $image )
echo "<li><img src='{$image['url']}' alt='{$image['alt']}' /></li>";
Your code is outdated, it was in old code of Meta Box.
For more information about the helper function, please read the documentation here.
Thanks, it's perfect!