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Support › Meta Box Builder › Get choices of a select fieldResolved
how can I get the choices of a select field? For example, I have a list (id: mylist) and 3 choices (red, blue, yellow) and I want to list them on the front end.
Thank you for your help!
If you want to output the selected choices, please follow the documentation
If you want to output all supported choices, please use the function rwmb_get_field_settings()
. Refer to the documentation
I have the custom post type "listing", related to this custom post type I try to use this code to show all available choices of my select custom field "city":
$field = rwmb_get_field_settings( 'city' );
echo ($field);
Nothing happens.
What did I wrong?
Thank you for your help!
You should add the code to the template of the listing post to get the current post ID. If not you need to pass the post ID to the function. And the return value is an array so you need to use the function var_dump()
or print_r()
to print out the value.
For example:
$field = rwmb_get_field_settings( 'city', '', 123 ); // 123 is the post ID
echo '<pre>';
print_r( $field );
echo '</pre>';
Thank you, but I would like to show (echo) all available choices of this field "city", not the selected choice of a random related custom post.
For example, my field "city" has 3 choices:
- Barcelona
- Madrid
- London
And I simple want to echo these fields.
Thank you!
Use the function print_r()
to know the data structure of the field settings. You will need to have a basic knowledge of coding to echo the choice. For example:
$field = rwmb_get_field_settings( 'city', '', 123 ); // 123 is the post ID
$field_choices = $field['options'];
foreach ($field_choices as $value => $label) {
echo "Value: " . $value;
echo "<br />";
echo "Label: " . $label;
echo "<br />";
If you are not able to complete the task, please contact us here
our development team will help you with an extra fee.
Hi, thanks, it works, but what happens if I delete this post? The code will not work.
The problem is that the post isn´t a permanent content on the site, it has an expiration and after that I delete it.
I tried to use the field group id (because the field group is permanent, I wouldn´t delete it), but it does not work woth it.
Isn´t any better solution?
Thank you!