Hi Metabox,
I want to use Metabox Custom Table to store custom post type data It works when I directly create the post from custom post type admin page In another hand, Im using Gravity Forms Post Creation to create that custom post type with custom field linked. It works when I turn off the custom table feature of that post type, all post metas are created normally. But when I turn on the custom table feature, the custom post has been created but all the custom field empty, no post row hasn't been created in the custom table (MySQL). I tried to install 2 scripts at : https://metabox.io/move-custom-fields-data-to-custom-tables, in order to move the data from post_meta to custom table. It runs well, now the data are copied from post_meta to custom table (but manually when I run the script from URL). A small problem is: the 1st time I run the script, it moved 1 record; the 2nd time => 2 records and so on... but what happen if I would have 100000 records? It cant clear the moved data, and process again the whole posts in that kind of post type.
So, is it possible to create custom post from GF post creation plugin (and other 3rd post creation plugin) that automatically store data In metabox custom table?