Hi guys,
I'm loving MB Views, and I've already created quite a complex view accessing different CPTs with loops, repeating field groups, etc. - all working like a charm! Doing this, I've also made use of the "mb.php_function" trick to call PHP functions directly within MB Views.
Now here's where I'm stuck:
I need to access a URL query param (called "zrole") in the view (one that is NOT registered with WordPress), but I can't find a way to access it:
I've tried things like
{% set zRole = mb._GET['zrole'] %}
zRole from Query Param: {{ zRole }}
but this doesn't return anything. Changing to the following results in a complete fatal error:
{% set zRole = mb.$_GET['zrole'] %}
zRole from Query Param: {{ zRole }}
I can't use mb.get_query_var(), because the query var is custom and NOT registered with WordPress.
Any trick how I can access the above URL query var inside my view?
Thanks a lot!