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Support › MB Beaver Builder Integration › How do I display an image custom field on Author pages?
I'm using Meta Box AIO, Beaver Builder, and Beaver Themer. I added custom fields to Users, most of which are text fields, but one field is an image field. The image field allows Authors to add an extra image to their profile.
I set up a Beaver Themer layout for Author Archives to display the different custom fields on an Authors page. The text custom fields display just fine, but I'm also trying to pull in the image custom field so I can display the extra image on Author pages, however, when I do this, the image is just blank. If I do this on a CPT, then the image displays fine, but the moment I try to do this on a Beaver Themer Layout for Author Archives, it doesn't work anymore.
Here's a screenshot showing some snippets I tried:
I tried adding an Image module from Beaver Builder and using the field connection feature to connect the custom field, but that doesn't display the image. This works fine on CPT's, but not Author Archives.
I tried using this shortcode on a Beaver Themer layout for Author Archives: [wpbb post:meta_box_post_author field='m_boatimage' image_size='full']
"m_boatimage" is the image custom field I created using MB Builder.
When I view my own Author page using the snippet above, I can see the image. But when I try to view someone else's Author page, it's just a blank image.
How can I display an image custom field in a Beaver Themer Layout for Author Archives? I would think this should be possible as it works fine on CPT's, just not Author pages for some reason.
Thanks for any information you can share with me! This one has me stumped.
Can you please let me know which image field type you are using? You can try to use the field single_image, and use the helper shortcode [rwmb_meta] to display the image field. Please read more on the documentation
Hey Peter,
I'm using the Image Upload field type. The ID for my custom field is m_boatimage. I tried using the following helper shortcode in an html module on Author Archives:
[rwmb_meta id="m_boatimage" attribute="url" size="full"]
However, that doesn't work. Do you know what shortcode will work?
Currently, the field image_upload does not work with the Beaver Builder, you can try to use the field single_image as I said above. If you want to use the shortcode, please remove the attribute URL.
[rwmb_meta id="m_boatimage" size="full"]
I changed the field type to single image and added that shortcode on my Author Archives template, but it still doesn't show anything. Maybe there's a bug?
Our development team is working on this issue. If you are familiar with coding, you can try to apply this commit to your site and see how it goes.
Thanks, a fix would be greatly appreciated! I adjusted that file on my site, but it still doesn't work for me.
Would giving you access to my site help you find a fix?
Please share your site credentials via this contact form
I will take a closer look.
I just submitted a contact form with the details. If you need anything else from me, just let me know. Thanks, Peter!