We have an installation of WordPress where we would like to totally manage it through WP CLI.
We are installing MetaBox plugin but we have the files inside our repository. However, that prevent us to automatically update the plugin. Is there any way we can install MetaBox through WordPress plugin list, to made it possible to check for updates? Or any other solution we might not be seeing?
Even with MetaBox files inside our repository, making it possible to install and activate the plugin, it still required to enter the license. Is there any way we could enter the license with a command line? There is a post where someone is doing it using a method for ACF, we wondered if that is not possible for MetaBox. Here is the link: https://philkurth.com.au/articles/set-acf-pro-license-key-via-wp-cli/
Meta Box does not support a function to set the license key programmatically but you can still use the pro extensions on your site and update them via Composer.