Hello Anh & MB team--
I find myself frequently searching for the docs, or plugin page, or support form pages for a particular plugin. For myself, I modified the AIO settings page by adding these links to the page for each plugin. It's been really helpful for me. I'm offering it here if it helps anyone else.
In the AIO JS: /wp-content/plugins/meta-box-aio/js/aio.js
on the line above the final closing curly brace (near line 60 or so) I've added the following JS:
let allInputs = document.querySelectorAll('.extension-list li input');
let info = <code><a href="https://metabox.io/plugins/${el.getAttribute('value')}" target="_blank">INFO</a></code>;
let docs = <code><a href="https://docs.metabox.io/extensions/${el.getAttribute('value')}" target="_blank">DOCS</a></code>;
let forum = <code><a href="https://support.metabox.io/forum/${el.getAttribute('value')}" target="_blank">FORUM</a></code>;
let links = <code><small style="opacity:0.6;"> ${info} / ${docs} / ${forum} </small></code>;
el.parentNode.insertAdjacentHTML('afterend', links);
This adds (INFO/DOCS/FORUM) links for each extension.
Some problems with this:
- Doing this yourself, means it will disappear when you update the AIO plugin.
- I'm not sure the AIO "Settings" page is the best place for this, but I do find it useful.
- I'm not sure JS is most effective way to do this, it was just quicker for me than figuring out another way.
- It doesn't look very pretty, it just gets the job done.
- Since it's just creating the links from the value of the checkbox, Some of the links don't work because the plugin naming and related pages don't share the same name. (For example, the docs.metabox.io/extensions/ pages for: mb-comment-meta, meta-box-yoast-seo, meta-box-text-limiter, meta-box-facetwp-integrator, mb-elementor-integrator, meta-box-beaver-themer-integrator)
No reply needed, just contributing what I've done if it's helpful for others.