I'm about to create several CPTs. They have different base slug & label, but have the same custom rewrite slug for organizing purposes. For example:
- CPT 1 has base slug "city-a" & custom rewrite slug "place"
- CPT 2 has base slug "city-b" & custom rewrite slug "place"
So I will have the following CPTs:
- example.com/place/post-name (CPT 1)
- example.com/place/another-post-name (CPT-2)
For both CPTs, I disabled the post-archive option. Please see the screenshot for my settings.
I will also create a normal page for example.com/place so I have control over the page's or "archive" content.
I'm planning to create many CPTs with the same setup. Does having the same custom rewrite slug across multiple CPTs can affect site performance, using in query loop, or anything? I am worried that if haveing same custom slug can affect the performance as stated in https://prnt.sc/36HSKJzrHkyS (it's a different case, but I'm not sure)
Thank you