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Support › Meta Box Builder › issue with WPCode Lite
Created new Field Groups, but they weren't displaying on the Post Edit page. Dev Mode messages didn't indicate anything different from normal.
Set up staging site - issue was resolved with WPCode Lite deactivated. Not sure if the problem is your or theirs or both, but since I was working with MetaBox, reporting it here.
I have the latest version of MB installed along with Builder & Conditional Logic.
Below is info for the version of WPCode Lite.
WPCode Lite
Easily add code snippets in WordPress. Insert scripts to the header and footer, add PHP code snippets with conditional logic, insert ads pixel, custom content, and more.
Version 2.1.12 | By WPCode | View details
I have a staging site set up that you're free to use if it helps.
Also - once the field group is created, I can reactivate WPCL and the new MB field Group works fine.
Version 2.1.12 | By WPCode | View details
Looks like there's something else as well. It worked in the stage site - but still not in prod. Still testing.
definitely WPCode Lite is involved. With it deactivated I can create new field groups UNLESS the only field in the group is "textarea". Then is doesn't show up - whether WPCodeLite is activated or not. If I change the field type or add another field type - it still doesn't show. Once it messed up, I have to delete the group and recreate it with something else as the first field, like a checkbox, and then textarea. Then it works.
If you want, the staging area is still an option if you want it to check it out.
For now, I've created my new groups, but this is kind of a weird way to have to work.
Glad to hear it works on your site. It's completely not an issue of Meta Box itself so you can contact WPCode Lite support to get more information.
Besides that, I test to install WPCode Lite on my demo site and don't see that issue. There could be a custom code created with that plugin that causes the issue.