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Support › Meta Box – FacetWP Integrator › Metabox fields are not rendering in facetWP builder layoutResolved
I do not know to contact FacetWP or you for the problem. If you think the problem is from FacetWP, I will approach them.
I have made a layout using facetwp builder to filter CTP and custom fields made with metabox. Unfortunately, the fields are not being rendered to the values given while making the post. please have a look at the picture enclosed. Do not know where I am making the error. the data is not saved in custom tables. With beaver builder posts module and UABB advanced posts rendering is fine.
I am using Local by flywheel as the local server
beaver builder theme, themer and page builder.
UABB (ultimate addons for beaver builder)
I could not find image upload file to show screenshot. so sending the FB post link
Thanks and regards
@ahn this is too bad. not even the first line of communication after almost a week.
Hi Saradhi,
I'm very sorry for the delay. Let me try to help you now.
I see in the screenshot that the filters are displayed correctly for the posts (honda, subaru, etc.). Did you mean the price didn't show in the filter list? I see you have min/max for price, so that's fine. Please let me know more details on the problem.
thanks for the response.
Ya the problem is the fields like miles per gallon or the price should display the numbers (rendering is the term I believe).
If I make the layout with UABB or beaver builder, I do see the numbers (at least after publishing). But If I make the layout with facetwp layout builder, they are output as the field name rather the price I have entered or the number I entered for miles per gallon.
I am practising working with facetwp - metabox in local server, so it's difficult for me to provide access.
Hi Saradhi,
I think you use the min/max control for FacetWP. I think that's the default look for the control. Each control has a different UI, that's why I think so. I don't think it's a bug. Please ask FacetWP support for details.