I am using the following code to display a group and a nested group, sadly the nested group's fields are not being displayed. both fields are also cloneable, i am using oxygen page builder and I am using this code in a codeblock, there is content in the nested group
$groups = rwmb_meta('article_section');
echo '<div class="chapter-div-wrapper content-gap width--full">';
foreach ($groups as $group) {
// Field article_section_heading:
$heading = $group['article_section_heading'] ?? '';
// Field article_section_intro:
$subtitle = $group['article_section_intro'] ?? '';
// Get Wysiwyg in group
$content = $group['article_section_content'] ?? '';
echo '<div class="heading__div"><div class="toc-nav">' . $heading . '</div><h2 class="heading observe-me-x">' . $heading . '</h2><div class="section-header__catchphrase">' . $subtitle . '</div></div>';
echo do_shortcode(wpautop($content));
// Field article_section_inner_GRP:
$inner_groups = rwmb_meta('article_section_inner_GRP');
echo '<script>';
echo 'console.log("Inner Groups:", ' . json_encode($inner_groups) . ');';
echo '</script>';
if (is_array($inner_groups) && !empty($inner_groups)) {
foreach ($inner_groups as $inner_group) {
// Field article_section_inner_heading:
echo $inner_group['article_section_inner_heading'] ?? '';
// Field article_section_inner_subtitle:
echo $inner_group['article_section_inner_subtitle'] ?? '';
// Field article_section_inner_content:
$inner_content = $inner_group['article_section_inner_content'] ?? '';
echo do_shortcode(wpautop($inner_content));
} else {
// Handle the case when $inner_groups is not an array or is empty
echo "No inner groups found";
echo '</div>';