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Is there a resource somewhere that would help me understand how to take a set of regular MetaBox fields I've been using on a custom post type, and then migrate them to a new grouped field? I have to confess I've never dealt with raw serialized data in a database before...
My thoughts were that I could dump the data from my existing wp_postmeta table and then build some insert statements. I'm doing a fair amount of restructuring, so I now have groups to represent what used to be regular MB fields as well as some taxonomies attached to the post type that I now want inside the groups.
But if I knew how to just take one regular field and migrate it to a grouped field, I could extrapolate and handle the rest of it.
Trying to avoid touching hundreds of posts manually...
I think it could be done with some steps:
- Make sure that register the correct group field and subfield.
- Create a function that hooks to the action after saving post like save_post
- This function will take the field value and assign it to a group ID array
- serialize data and update the field group
Here is a sample code
add_action( 'save_post', function( $post_id ) {
$group = array();
$field_id1 = rwmb_meta( 'field_id1', '', $post_id );
$field_id2 = rwmb_meta( 'field_id2', '', $post_id );
$group['field_id1'] = $field_id1;
$group['field_id2'] = $field_id2;
$group_serialize = maybe_serialize( $group );
rwmb_set_meta( $post_id, 'group_id', $group_serialize );
} );
Refer to the documentation
Okay, I see what you are saying here. I might actually create a custom function to do this and then have it loop through all my existing posts and do a one-time conversion from the old fields to the new grouped field. But I think I can step forward based on the approach you've outlined here. Thanks!
I'm having some trouble with this. I've taken the snippet you gave me, plus some of the documentation on rwmb_set_values, put this inside init with priority 99 as recommended. This will be a one-time process and then I will remove it. But the rmwb_set_values function is doing nothing.
add_action( 'init', function() {
$sermons_a = array(
'post_type' => 'message',
'order' => 'DESC',
'nopaging' => true,
$sermons_query = new WP_Query( $sermons_a );
if ( $sermons_query->have_posts() ) {
while ( $sermons_query->have_posts() ) {
// Get existing data
$temp_audio = rwmb_meta( 'audio', '', get_the_ID() );
$temp_video = rwmb_meta( 'video-id', '', get_the_ID() );
$speakers = get_the_terms( get_the_ID(), 'speaker' );
$groups = array(); // since this is a cloneable field, create an array of group values
$group = array(); // individual group value
$group['message_media_campus'] = 12; // literal value here
if ($speakers) {
$group['message_media_speaker'] = $speakers[0]->term_id; // only using the first speaker
$group['message_media_audio'] = $temp_audio;
$group['message_media_video-id'] = $temp_video;
$groups[] = $group;
$group_serialize = maybe_serialize( $groups );
rwmb_set_meta( get_the_ID(), 'message_media_group', $group_serialize );
} // end while
} // endif
}, 99 );