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I was able to drag some existing fields into a group field. but when I do, I lose the value. When I drag them back them I can see the value is still there. I want to therefore set the new group field value with the old value. I tried to use:
add_action( 'init', function() {
$post_id = $postID;
$field_id = 'the_field_within_the_groups_ID';
$value = [
$field_id => 'Andy',
rwmb_set_meta( $post_id, $field_id, $value );
}, 99 );
But in this example from your documentation, I do not understand where it needs the group value. Maybe I am getting confused by all the field IDs. Can I clarify what the field_id is? Is this the field ID of the field inside the group, is it the group id or is it the field_id of the entire custom group?
For my case I have:
Field Group ID = Research (so this is for all the below custom fields)
$prefix = academic
$IDofTheOriginalFieldIWantToMoveTheValueFrom = $prefix.$year
$GroupFieldID = $prefix.$Reference
$FieldIDInsideTheGroup = $prefix.$year //It is the same as the original as I dragged it into the group, but the values did not transfer,
Please let me know how I can fix this so that the value of $FieldIDInsideTheGroup becomes $IDofTheOriginalFieldIWantToMoveTheValueFrom
And just so you can see where I got up to (might be easier to explain where its going wrong):
add_action('init', function() {
$args = array(
'post_type' => 'research',
'order' => 'DESC',
'nopaging' => true,
$query = new WP_Query($args);
if ($query->have_posts()) {
while ($query->have_posts()) {
$valueToCopy = rwmb_meta('academicyear', '', $post->ID); // $IDofTheOriginalFieldIWantToMoveTheValueFrom
$year_groups = rwmb_meta('academicreference_group', '', $post->ID) ?? ''; // $GroupFieldID
foreach ($year_groups as $year_group) {
$year = $year_group['academicyear'] ?? ''; // $FieldIDInsideTheGroup
rwmb_set_meta($post->ID, $year, $valueToCopy);
}}}, 99);
This need to have some custom code to move data from a top field to a group field. You can refer to this topic to have a basic knowledge about that
If you are not able to complete the task, you can contact us here
our development team will help you with an extra fee.
Hi Peter,
Thank you for that! I was able to migrate all text, links etc.
However, I am really strugling with taxonomies.
I noticed that when I pulled them into the group, the post was disassociated with the term. I fixed it by reuploading the data into another field outside the group. But I want to pull that data into the group.
I think I can get the terms, but then it does not work the same way as the text fields. I cannot insert and save.
Help would be hugely appreciated. Just the functions I can use to do this successfully.
And in case anyone comes across this thread - this is how I did the text fields:
add_action('init', 'migratethefields', 99);
function migratethefields() {
$fields = array('year','peer-review', 'doi', 'co_authorYN', 'citation');
$prefix = 'academic';
$fieldgroup = 'reference_group';
$group_field_ID = $prefix . $fieldgroup;
foreach ($fields as $field) {
$new = 'justtostoptheinit';
$field_ID = $prefix . $field;
if (get_option($new . $field_ID)) {
$args = array(
'post_type' => 'research',
'posts_per_page' => -1,
$query = new WP_Query($args);
if ($query->have_posts()) {
while ($query->have_posts()) {
$post_ID = get_the_ID();
$valuestotransfer = null;
$valuestotransfer = rwmb_meta($field_ID, '', $post_ID);
if (empty($valuestotransfer)) {
$valuestotransfer = rwmb_get_value ($field_ID, '', $post_ID);
if (is_array($valuestotransfer) && isset($valuestotransfer[0]) && is_object($valuestotransfer[0])) {
$valuestotransfer = array_map(function($term) {
return $term->term_id;
}, $valuestotransfer);
$group_field = rwmb_meta($group_field_ID, '', $post_ID);
if (!empty($valuestotransfer) && is_array($group_field) && isset($group_field[0])) {
$group_field[0][$field_ID] = $valuestotransfer;
$updated = update_post_meta($post_ID, $group_field_ID, $group_field);