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Support › MB Elementor Integrator › No CPT in Preview or
I'm using Elementor Pro and I have created a CPT, most things are working ok, however I cannot see the choice to use it in the Page Preview. For example; I have created a template for a dynamic listing of 'Sponsors' displayed in a carousel (4 columns), I would like to view the layout for design tweaks but there is no option in the Preview for my Sponsors CPT.
Any ideas?
I don't know an option to preview a template for a CPT when using Elementor. You can try to contact Elementor support to ask for help with this case.
Hi Long, thank you for the reply. I'm not so sure it is an Elementor issue, I will post on there as well to double check. However, as you know, Custom Post Types in WP operate the same as standard WP Post types (or at least, they are supposed to).
Within Elementor, when you are creating a template (page/post/pop-up etc) that uses dynamic data, you can click the Preview Icon and select Settings. Then you are given options of 'Previewing Dynamic Content as' and choices of Archive, with several options; Recent Posts, Date Archive, Author etc) and then Single, with options; Page, Post, Landing Page etc.
The issue I am having is that the CPT created by Metabox isn't an option in this list, nor is it available in the Templates Conditions options i.e selecting Singular - Sponsors (Post Type) I can pull the data through using a combination of TP Custom Fields and Post Title (not all the widgets will access the meta box correctly. The Image widget and Text Editor Widget for instance won't fetch the CPT Logo image or WYSIWYG field respectively, but using TP Custom Field will)
Having read a few Forum Posts on Elementor, I'm of the mind my CPT should be available to access through both Preview Settings and Template Conditions.
Hello, I am curious if there has been a solution to this issue.
When building a theme, you can change the display conditions to identify and work for specific CPTs. By setting a specific custom post as the preview, you can draw in the dynamic tags from that post for which to build.
Lee is correct, CPTs should be available to access through both Preview Settings and Template Conditions.
When using Pods, this isn't an issue. It is for Meta Box.