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Support › Meta Box Conditional Logic › Odd Condotional Logic Issues on 1.15.5
Currently there are no issues in 1.15.3, but I see in the the following:
Fix blank page in Oxygen
Fix conditional logic not running due to window.load event not firing
Fix not show/hide meta box in the front end
Improve code using ES6
I have done a comparison, but don't see anything immediate that stands out. I will include the condition and field array below (gist).
The odd thing is that it looks like the it shows on load (normal), then conditional logic hides it. But the condition (previously working for the page in question) won't show it again, but I can get it to show using WordPress' "screen Options" toggle.
Video (expires in 14 days):
The problem happens because the meta box Program v1
is enabled by default in the Screen Options box. You can see the meta box Program v2
is disabled by default and it works when selecting the API version.
So please disable the meta box Program v1
in Screen Options > Save post and re-check this issue.
Thanks, but that is not the case here. I was toggling it on and off just for the video.
As soon as I revert down to AIO 1.15.3, there is no issue. 1.15.5 there is.
Okay, I have tracked it down to the changes in the meta-box-conditional-logic class MB_Conditional_Logic
from <script type="html/template"
to <template
At this point I do not know why that is was is breaking my condition, but will have to look into it next week. If you have some insight to add hear please leave your comments.
Diff comparison:
Can you please share all the code that creates the meta boxes and conditional logic on your site? I've tested on my site with this code
but do not see any issue.
I found a commit that relates to this issue
Do you use Oxygen builder on your site?
Thanks, this better represents our fields:
But I can't create (for testing purposes) ALL the fields across 20+ post types we have that also have conditions. At the current time, it seems the fields I have shared are the only ones affected, so I will continue to look into what the culprit might be.
Note that our option is an int value, and it only seems to be an issue with 1
so might first thought was a boolean conversion issue with wp_json_encode.
Thanks for looking. We are not using Oxygen btw.