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Support › MB Frontend Submission › Passing a variable value to a hidden field in Frontend Form SubmissionResolved
Hi I have a form that I want a user to submit and I have 3 fields, user_name
, registered_email
and checkbox_membership
I want to pre-fill the user_name
with $current_user->user_login
and the registered_email
I dont know how to do this, can you help?
<div class='user_membership--form'>";
global $current_user;
echo 'Username: ' . $current_user->user_login . "</br>";
echo 'User email: ' . $current_user->user_email . "</br>";
echo 'User first name: ' . $current_user->user_firstname . "</br>";
echo 'User last name: ' . $current_user->user_lastname . "</br>";
echo 'User display name: ' . $current_user->display_name . "</br>";
echo 'User ID: ' . $current_user->ID . "</br>";
echo do_shortcode ('[mb_frontend_form id="request-membership-status"]') ."</div>";
Hello Denise,
When registering the meta box and custom fields, you can get the user name with your code and set the default value with the name. For example:
add_filter( 'rwmb_meta_boxes', function ( $meta_boxes ) {
// your code to get the current user name here
$user_name = 'Default user name';
$meta_boxes[] = [
'fields' => [
'name' => 'User Name',
'id' => 'user_name',
'type' => 'text',
'std' => $user_name
return $meta_boxes;
} );
Read more on the documentation
Thanks I did see that on the docs, but thought it was more of a general setting and I wondered about conflicts - e.g all user name fields as user_name that it would cause an issue in the post_meta table.
However, if I am understanding what you are saying is that I could have several fields e.g.user_name1
, user_name2
etc and then declare them each in here with the same variable name in this case $user_name
Thank you for this, I've literally read so much php/sass/jquery etc my eyes are going funny! Sometimes you can't see the wood, for the trees!
I think I must be doing something wrong? The code isnt populating the fields on the form, do I need to add something to the shortcode?
Here is the function I created
add_filter( 'rwmb_meta_boxes', function ( $meta_boxes ) {
// your code to get the current user name here
global $current_user;
$user_name = $current_user->display_name;
$user_email = $current_user->user_email;
$user_first = $current_user->user_firstname;
$user_last = $current_user->user_lastname;
$meta_boxes[] = [
'fields' => [
'name' => 'username',
'id' => 'user_name',
'type' => 'text',
'std' => $user_name
'name' => 'email',
'id' => 'user_email',
'type' => 'text',
'std' => $user_email
'name' => 'firstname',
'id' => 'user_firstname',
'type' => 'text',
'std' => $user_firstname
'name' => 'lastname',
'id' => 'user_lastname',
'type' => 'text',
'std' => $user_lastname
return $meta_boxes;
} );
Can you help?
EDIT: I corrected a typo on the last 2 variables.
Here is how I am calling the form and that shows up exactly as expected
echo do_shortcode ("[mb_frontend_form id='request-membership-status' ]")
And here is one of the form fields to be populated with the variables
Morning, can I just clarify, is there a way, using MB Builder and Frontend Form Submission, to set the std
to a variable?
I solved it myself thank you, here is how I did it , for anyone else wishing to do this that has some level of skill but not a developer.
1. Created the Custom Field Types using the Metabox interface. Set them up exactly as I want, without the default value.
2. Clicked Get PHP Code
and copied that code, minus the <?php
tag into my functions.php
3. Added my PHP query to get the user details
`global $current_user;
$user_name = $current_user->display_name;
$user_email = $current_user->user_email;
$user_first = $current_user->user_firstname;
$user_last = $current_user->user_lastname; `
4. added the 'std' => $user_name,
etc etc to each field to show the correct variable
5. output the shortcode of the form <?php echo do_shortcode("[mb_frontend_form id='request-membership-status' ]") ?>
Job Done!!!
Here is the complete function I created so if anyone else wants to follow it they can see how it has to be set up as a working function for the MB Frontend Submission
add_filter( 'rwmb_meta_boxes', 'request_membership_status' );
function request_membership_status( $meta_boxes ) {
$prefix = '';
// your code to get the current user name here
global $current_user;
$user_name = $current_user->display_name;
$user_email = $current_user->user_email;
$user_first = $current_user->user_firstname;
$user_last = $current_user->user_lastname;
$meta_boxes[] = [
'title' => __( 'Request Membership Status', 'pinkequine-com' ),
'id' => 'request-membership-status',
'post_types' => ['membership-request'],
'fields' => [
'name' => __( 'First Name', 'pinkequine-com' ),
'id' => $prefix . 'user_first',
'type' => 'text',
'admin_columns' => 'replace title',
'std' => $user_first,
'name' => __( 'Last Name', 'pinkequine-com' ),
'id' => $prefix . 'user_last',
'type' => 'text',
'admin_columns' => 'after user_first',
'std' => $user_last,
'name' => __( 'Username', 'pinkequine-com' ),
'id' => $prefix . 'user_name',
'type' => 'text',
'admin_columns' => 'after user_last',
'std' => $user_name,
'name' => __( 'Email', 'pinkequine-com' ),
'id' => $prefix . 'user_email',
'type' => 'text',
'admin_columns' => 'after user_name',
'std' => $user_email,
'name' => __( 'Membership', 'pinkequine-com' ),
'id' => $prefix . 'checkbox_membership',
'type' => 'checkbox',
'label_description' => __( 'Please add user Member to my profile', 'pinkequine-com' ),
'required' => true,
'admin_columns' => 'after user_email',
'validation' => [
'rules' => [
$prefix . 'checkbox_membership' => [
'required' => true,
'messages' => [
$prefix . 'checkbox_membership' => [
'required' => 'Please check the box to confirm your request',
return $meta_boxes;
Very good to see there's a solution.
I tried out myself but when I used the shortcode, it only displayed the title.
Here´s the shortcode I used on Gutenberg.
[mb_frontend_form id="vendas" post_fields="title" label_title="Nome do cliente" submit_button="Cadastrar venda" edit="false" allow_delete="false" post_status="publish" redirect="" confirmation="Cadastro feito com sucesso"]
What could be?