Could you please update the latest version of Meta Box plugin to v5.3.0 and MB Term Meta to v1.2.9 then check the issue again?
Here is my sample code
add_filter( 'rwmb_meta_boxes', 'add_field_taxonomy' );
function add_field_taxonomy( $meta_boxes ) {
$prefix = '';
$meta_boxes[] = array (
'title' => esc_html__( 'Taxonomy field', 'text-domain' ),
'id' => 'taxonomy-field',
'fields' => array(
array (
'id' => $prefix . 'text_m0ijcp97ay',
'type' => 'text',
'name' => esc_html__( 'Text Field1', 'text-domain' ),
'required' => 1,
'taxonomies' => 'category',
return $meta_boxes;
and it works as well on the post category settings page, see my screenshot https://cl.ly/56fc0ebfce18