I have a custom post type with fields in it.
There is also a author field (the basic wordpress author function).
And i can show value's in the view sections with the following code:
{{ post.leerling_voornaam }} is bezig met {{ post.Groepskeuze.title }}
{% if post.Groepskeuze.title == 'Badje 1 - 17:30' %}
B1: Spetters verdragen - {% for item in post.prog_badje_1.b1_spetters_verdragen %}
{{ item.value }}
{% endfor %}<br>
The view will generate the following shortcode that i can use in a pagebuilder (oxygen)
[mbv id="181"]
(the item value will be stars if i know how to do that but first things first...)
In the Custom post Type the author is "Admin" when i set the "Author" to someone else like "Bassie de Clown" then i want that only "Bassie de Clown" can see that post AND the admin.
Other Authors are not allowed to see the post. So when "Adriaan de Acrobaat" is logged in, he will see a error when trying to see that post. But "Adriaan de Acrobaat" is able to see his own post.
I just cant get it to work...
Oh btw, the author may not edit the post (only see it).
In the picure there is a overview to see the settings from the custom post type

Can please someone help me?