Support Forum
Hi Support,
Folowing up from the my question at
Besides an archive page, I want to display service cards as a section on the home page, and so I followed the MB docs (Create Reusable Template Parts) to use the following code but I am not getting the desired result. Could you please advise?
{% set args = {post_type: 'service', posts_per_page: -1} %}
{% set posts = mb.get_posts( args ) %}
<div class="service-card">
{% for post in query.posts %}
<div class="card-inner">
<p class="card-icon" style="width:2em;">{{ post.service_icon }}</p>
<h5 class="card-title">{{ post.title }}</h5>
<p class="card-excerpt">{{ post.service_excerpt }}</p>
{% endfor %}
Kind regards,
I assume that you are following the documentation
How do you show the View template on the homepage? Please share a screenshot of that step and a full screenshot of the View template.
Thank you
I use a shortcode to output the MB View on the home page.
Here's a screenshot please
Kind regards,
PS: Forgot to attach the remaining two screenshots. Here these are for your reference:
1. In Gutenberg:
2. In MB Views:
Kind regards,
PS: I also looked up this tutorial here -
Apprecaite your support.
Kind regards,
I see the issue. You can check the code to open the loop in the documentation
{% for post in posts %}
but in your code, it is
{% for post in query.posts %}
remove the query variable and check the issue again. Or use another variable name to avoid confusion:
{% set service_posts = mb.get_posts( args ) %}
<div class="service-card">
{% for post in service_posts %}
That was it! Thanks Peter. Appreciate your support.
Kind regards,