Support Forum
Hello everyone!
I am currently developing a module for my site that will allow me to classify each solution to help a disability by type.
Here's an example:
Type : Visual disability
Solution : Add screen readers
For this, I have my database in which these types and solutions are found. In this database, the solutions of one type or another are not in a defined order. They can be put at random, when a user adds one.
I need to display, in a table, these types first (as a title), then the solutions corresponding to this type.
I manage to generate a display thanks to a foreach loop, but my solutions are all mixed and therefore not clearly sorted.
Here is how it is currently displayed
Visual disability
Audio-described cut-scenes
Highlighted path to follow
Sensitivity settings for all the controls
Screen readers on menus
Slow down the game speed
But I would need it to look like this:
Visual disability
Audio-described cut-scenes
Highlighted path to follow
Screen readers on menus
Slow down the game speed
Physical disability
Sensitivity settings for all the controls
In my example above, only the solution "Sensitivity settings for all the controls" is part of the "Physical disability" type. The rest is part of the "Visual disability" type.
Here is the code I currently use to retrieve my information from my database and display it. It is a WordPress associated with data coming from MetaBox.
Thank you in advance for all the help you can give me!
As I see in your code, you are trying to show the list of taxonomies name base on the option $accessibility_name
and each taxonomy should belong to its parent when showing on the frontend.
So I think you can use the argument 'hierarchical' => true
when registering the taxonomy which has descendants like categories.
Then use the field taxonomy or taxonomy_advanced to create select options for users to select type (term) and solution (child term) with the field type select_tree
or checkbox_tree
After saving the option (taxonomy), you can use the function get_terms() to get all term (type) and child terms (solution) with the hierarchical as you want.