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Support › Meta Box Group › Still Having Issues With Time Being SavedResolved
After the recent hotfix, one of the time issues seemed to be resolved with a datetime field but when using the 'time' field type, it doesn't seem to save properly when used in a group.
I have a meta box setup that is a group within a group. This meta box is used to save start times and end times of programming for each day of the week.
For some reason only the 2nd time option saves but the 1st time option will not save.
Meta Box Structure:
Top Level Group
- Monday Group (Start Time, End Time)
- Tuesday Group (Start Time, End Time)
- etc.. for each day of the week
The end time in each meta box group is saving properly but the start time will not. I think the datetime field was fixed but normal time is not working properly still.
'name' => __( 'Start:', 'blacklab' ),
'id' => 0,
'type' => 'time',
'js_options' => array(
'controlType' => 'select',
'stepMinute' => 15,
'showButtonPanel' => false,
'oneLine' => true,
'timeFormat' => 'h:mm tt',
'dateFormat' => 'h:mm tt',
'inline' => false,
'placeholder' => '----',
'size' => 8,
'class' => 'show-time start-time-standard',
'name' => __( 'End:', 'blacklab' ),
'id' => 1,
'type' => 'time',
'js_options' => array(
'controlType' => 'select',
'stepMinute' => 15,
'oneLine' => true,
'showButtonPanel' => false,
'timeFormat' => 'h:mm tt',
'dateFormat' => 'h:mm tt',
'inline' => false,
'placeholder' => '----',
'size' => 8,
'class' => 'show-time end-time-standard',
Please change the ID of the time to another format, not end with a number. Just like
'id' => 'start_time',
'id' => 'end_time',
For more information, please follow the known issues of Group