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I tried to use mb blocks with blade (templating engine from laravel) and code isn't interpreted.
I use a starter theme (Sage from
And the code in my php template
<?php echo 'Hello World'; ?>
@php echo 'Hello World'; @endphp
{{ 'Hello World' }}
Do you think it's possible to fix that ?
I found a solution with the render_callback, do you think it's possible to get the render_template value inside the callback ?
With this value I can make only one render_callback for all of my custom blocks.
There is the current solution for someone who need it
public function my_hero_callback($attributes, $is_preview = false, $post_id = null){
if (file_exists(get_theme_file_path("views/blocks/hero.blade.php"))) {
echo \App\template("blocks.hero", [
'attributes' => $attributes,
'is_preview' => $is_preview,
'post_id' => $post_id
We could maybe add information about render_template into the "set_block_data" function as follow ?
private function set_block_data( &$attributes ) {
$attributes['name'] = $this->id;
$data = isset( $attributes['data'] ) ? $attributes['data'] : [];
$this->storage->set_data( $data );
ActiveBlock::set_block_name( $this->id );
private function set_block_data( &$attributes ) {
$attributes['name'] = $this->id;
$attributes['render_template'] = $this->render_template;
$data = isset( $attributes['data'] ) ? $attributes['data'] : [];
$this->storage->set_data( $data );
ActiveBlock::set_block_name( $this->id );
Please take a look at the function render_block() under the function set_block_data(),
private function render_block( $attributes = [], $is_preview = false, $post_id = null ) {
if ( $this->render_callback ) {
call_user_func( $this->render_callback, $attributes, $is_preview, $post_id );
if ( file_exists( $this->render_template ) ) {
include $this->render_template;
} else {
locate_template( $this->render_template, true );
if the callback is available, it will run the callback and end the function before call the template so it is impossible to run a template inside the callback. But thanks for the idea, I will discuss with the developer team to support this case.
Thanks for your response but I did the trick on my first reply. Did you see it ?
For the code on your reply, you didn't read code correctly, if the render_callback exist, the function render_callback is called and then stop because you have a "return;"