Support Forum
Support › Meta Box AIO › Update to 1.21.0 Broke siteResolved
I upgraded to 1.21.0 and it broke my site.
It gave me this error:
An error of type E_ERROR was caused in line 55 of the file /home/bbpcom/domains/ Error message: Uncaught Error: Class "MetaBox\UserProfile\Block\RegistrationForm" not found in /home/bbpcom/domains/ Stack trace: #0 /home/bbpcom/domains/ mb_user_profile_load() #1 /home/bbpcom/domains/ WP_Hook->apply_filters() #2 /home/bbpcom/domains/ WP_Hook->do_action() #3 /home/bbpcom/domains/ do_action() #4 /home/bbpcom/domains/ require_once('...') #5 /home/bbpcom/domains/ require_once('...') #6 /home/bbpcom/domains/ require_once('...') #7 /home/bbpcom/domains/ require_once('...') #8 {main} thrown
Same here.
Tried reuploading a fresh version from my account but as soon as I activate AIO, it breaks the site.
same here
I sent support an email...hope they fix this asap
Same issue here. Where can we download the previous version? It's easy to do with the main meta-box plugin but I can't find an archive of earlier versions of meta-box-aio.
Read this, there's no downloads of previous versions....because the developer wants everybody on the latest version. Which in a situation like this is just bad. Probably gonna waste a day waiting for the update.
I have an older version on my desktop - 1.20.3 and it works for me now
Same here. Does anyone have the older version?
Hi guys,
We've fixed this issue. Please re-download the plugin and try again.
@Anh Tran
uploaded manually MetaBox AIO with FileZilla to 1 website, now it works again, thankfully.
BUT, there is a huuuge BUT:
Uploading to each website takes 5 minutes
With 12 websites, it takes 60 minutes of work, due to your inproper testing before launching.
Who pays me now the 150 EUR per hour? you?
Each in every user is affected by your mistake.
So please take care in future updates and make FULL and proper quality testing BEFORE launching.
Otherwise, next time, I will send you an invoice for the appropriate amout of time.