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I need to automatically update a field group after a custom post of a different type is created.
I have tried this:
add_action('save_post_default-tabs-info', 'fr_update_retreats_after_default_tabs', 10, 3);
function fr_update_retreats_after_default_tabs {
wp_update_post(array('ID' => 34));
Where the field group ID is 34, from the edit url: wp-admin/post.php?post=34&action=edit
Is there a way to update the field group upon the save_post hook run?
Hello Macky,
Which data do you need to update in the field group? A field group actually is a post that saves field and meta box settings. But it might be complicated if you want to update something in a field group.
I think your code can trigger the function wp_update_post and work correctly.
Hey Peter,
I just need to updated the field group - equivalent to being in the edit screen for the field group and clicking 'Update'. This is to register changes that are made to a callback function that populated options in a select field.
I have a similar set up for CPTs that works fine, but its not working for the field group.
I think the issue was resolved a long time ago, maybe related to
Anyway, I test to add your code to my local site to update a field group title after saving a CPT post and it works correctly.
add_action('save_post_my-job', 'fr_update_retreats_after_default_tabs', 10);
function fr_update_retreats_after_default_tabs() {
'ID' => 3401,
'post_title' => 'This is the post title.',
And you can also use the filter hook rwmb_normalize_field
to modify the field settings. Please read more on the documentation
Hi Peter,
Yes I have seen the post that you're referencing - thats not a solution but it does outline the need update the field group after the callback function has been updated - which is exactly what I'm trying to do.
RE rwmb_normalize_field - can you let me know who this will help, and how to use it in this case?
I think using the filter to set the options of the select field by coding instead of using the builder, might help you in this case.
add_filter( 'rwmb_normalize_field', function( $field ) {
//check your specific field before using this code
$field['options'] = callback_function();
return $field;
} );
Ah I see - I'll give that a try.