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Support › Meta Box Geolocation › Warning: Cannot use a scalar value as an arrayResolved
Any idea what could be causing this error?
Warning: Cannot use a scalar value as an array in /srv/users/hiddencreek307/apps/hiddencreek307/public/wp-content/plugins/meta-box-aio/extensions/meta-box-geolocation/inc/class-meta-box-geolocation.php on line 73
I'm using custom tables, maybe that has something to do with it?
Hi, can you post the code of your meta box? It might has some error when you declaring the fields.
I've just tried your code and it works without any bug shown. Does that happen for new posts? or old posts? Or you always see that bug no matter which page you're on?
Anh, what data type should I be using for the custom table storage?
MB_Custom_Table_API::create( 'hcr_location_meta', array(
'hcr_location_type' => 'TEXT NOT NULL',
'hcr_location_address' => 'TEXT NOT NULL',
'hcr_location_map' => '??????????',
) );
Map saves data as latitude, longitude[, zoom]
, so it should be just text, e.g. TEXT NOT NULL
And yes it is happening on new posts and old. Only on pages that contain the metabox with geolocation however. I think it has something to do with the custom table storage. Let me test that theory.
It still happens with custom table storage turned off and doublechecked to make sure it stored metadata in postmeta vs custom table.
Can you share your code of that meta box? I tried to replicate the problem on my localhost, but everything seems work fine to me.
Anh, I'd gladly give you wp-admin access to that site if you want it. Not sure how to send a private message on here?
Please send me an email via contact form.
Sent you a login. Do whatever you want. It's just a test site to evaluate if metabox/wordpress is a good platform for a simple app idea.
Hi, I fixed that bug weeks ago, but forgot to update the Geolocation extension. I've just updated the extension, please try again.
Works great now! Thanks!