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Support › MB Geolocation › WP All Import Lat Long Coordinates Do Not Show On MapResolved
I have a CSV file import that includes latitude and longitude fields in decimal format. I want to display these exact coordinates on Open Street Map. The problem I am running into is I need to open each Taxonomy Term and put my cursor in the address field (which I had also imported combined lat, long coordinates. Most of the time the autosuggest will show the airport name correctly. For some private airstrips, it moves the location when selecting the first autosuggest result. Further, I don't want to click on the 13,000+ results and manually update the map locations.
How can I automatically (and accurately) display locations for each airport by lat long only without having to edit each Taxonomy Term?
Here is the JSON download of the Airport Taxonomy post type:
Here is the JSON download of the field group associated with the Airport Taxonomy:
I have looked at this hep document on Geolocation and followed it to the best of my ability. Unfortunately I have not been able to figure it out.
Hello John,
If you want to import latitude and longitude and show the location on the map, you should import the value to the map field directly with this format: latitude,longitude,zoom
Please read more about map field value in the documentation
Peter, I tried adding lat long zoom in the format you suggested: latitude,longitude,zoom in the airport_address field and made sure to pass its ID to the map's "Address field". Unfortunately this is not updating the OSM map field location pin. I am not sure what I am doing wrong?
No, you should add the field value to the map field: airport_map
. Let me know what you see when importing the map field with this value: 54.729,-68.435,5
Peter, there is no text field associated with airport_map. It is just the map.
There is the option to associate a text field with airport_map. I did this and associated airport_address with airport_map. I added the formatted lat, long, zoom to the airport_address field.
Would it be possible for you to modify the field group that I uploaded? Possibly using the airport_address field for the formatted lat long zoom?
Hello John,
Please notice that, the address field (airport_address) is a text field and it will store the text address value, not the latitude, longitude, and zoom value.
You need to use the address field to type the address and click on the suggestion results. In the case of importing data, you can use only map
field and import the value latitude,longitude,zoom
to the map field. Please check this screenshot
Peter, thank you for sticking with me on this. Your last explanation helped me to connect the dots on what I was missing. I was able to run another import with WP All Import. What was tripping me up is the WP All Import Metabox addon doesn't support the Open Street Map field (airport_map field). I got around this by adding a custom field targeting the airport_map field and adding the data field columns from the CSV import formatted like: lat,long,zoom in decimal format. I purposely associated a text field with the Open Street Map field that does not exist because I do not want this field to be updated on accident.
A piece of feedback to the Metabox team... it'd be nice if the associated text field handled lat and long. Its more confusing than I think it needs to be. Advanced Custom Fields's Google Maps address field handles the lat,long no problem.