Support Forum
Hello, After Updating to the Latest Version 6.2 there is a bug with the WYSIWYG Editor of Custom Field.
Nothing Showing in Visual Mode:
While in Showing in Text/Code Mode:
Please Help Me!! My Website Link:
I do not see that issue on my end when creating a new WYSIWYG field with WordPress 6.2. Please make sure you have the latest version of Meta Box 5.6.18 then disable all plugins except Meta Box, MB AIO, switch to a standard theme of WordPress and check this issue again.
Hi there,
I'm also getting this bug ever since updating. It seems to not work in the default 'Visual' mode, but when clicking into 'text' it works just fine.
I can confirm that the WYSIWYG fields does work in Gutenberg blocks. However as a stray field on a page, outside of blocks, it does not work. I've seen this across multiple websites now.
Please advise - thanks!
Also, I can confirm that after disabling all other plugins it still does not work.
It seems to happen only on some wysiwyg fields.
I have one CPT where it's still working and another one where it stopped working. The content was inserted using the visual editor, now when coming back the visual editor shows empty, text editor shows the content and is editable.
I am having this problem too but the is not showing in the Visual and Text editors.
I've been investgating thios further and it seems te be related to the posttype itself.
When I add the fieldgroup from the CPT where it's working to the other CPT it's not working.
When I add the (another) fieldgroup from the CPT where it's not working to the other CPT it's working ...
And going further ...
its eems to be realted to the setting "Show in REST" in advanced settings and/or if the CPT supports Editor
I have also had problems with WYSIWYG Editor’s content, check this, maybe will be helpful.
I also got this issue in some sites. The strange thing is not all my sites upgraded to 6.2 have this issue, while they have similar plugin setup. This is what I found:
1. Issue only happens in Chrome or Safari. They all work fine in Firefox. I have one case working fine in Chrome but broken in Safari. Very weird.
2. Issue only appears to post with Gutenberg editor. So setting page does not have this issue.
It's a very weird issue, I can see it happens on some sites with WP 6.2 but not all of them. I'm discussing this issue with my development team and get back to you later.
I got a new observation.
When the bug appears, if the input is in a cloneable element and you add more, the new input works fine. Only what initially displayed input boxes have this bug. So I guess this bug is related to the initialization stage.
Same issue as of 27-05-2023
Thanks to Feng Chen:
2. Issue only appears to post with Gutenberg editor. So setting page does not have this issue.
I disabled Editor for my CPT and could see the contents of the WYSIWYG
I am having this issue on two client sites aswell - is there any progress in troubleshooting this? I´ve tried disabling plugins and it does not seem to be a plugin conflict