While block is registered with 'context' => 'side', if you focus to block once - tinymce will work properly, but if you select another block (or just unfocus this) and then focus it back - tinymce will break. I have find out, how to fix it, this issue comes from the base plugin, from file 'meta-box\js\wysiwyg.js' on line 11 - there you are checking only .wp-block class as closest, while side context doesn't have it.
Working solution:
var $this = $( this ),
$wrapper = $this.closest( '.wp-editor-wrap' ),
id = $this.attr( 'id' ),
isInBlock = $this.closest( '.wp-block, .components-panel' ).length > 0;
// Update the ID attribute if the editor is in a new block.
if ( isInBlock ) {
id = id + '_' + rwmb.uniqid();
$this.attr( 'id', id );