I took the extension a little while ago, knowing ACF well, I would like to create a site (test) to store recipes.
I have created my two CPTs:
- Ingredients
- Recipes
I created a relationship between these two CPT and I would like, when I choose my different ingredients, to add a quantity to them (and then display everything directly)
I use as extension :
- Elementor
- Elementor Pro
- MB Blocks
- MB Custom Post Types & Custom Taxonomies
- MB Frontend Submission
- MB Relationships
- Meta Box
- Meta Box - Elementor Integrator
- MB Builder
- MB Conditional Logic
So I haven't coded anything if I have to, no worries I'll go through it!
Also while I'm at it for each ingredient I put an image in front of them, how can I get this information in my page template elementor ?
Visually I would like to put : image ingredient - name ingredient - quantity
Thank you very much!