Using the MB Views extension, I'm looping through a custom post type with the twig template engine. I'm not able to access the post url. Here is my code.
<div id="services" class="center mw8 pa3 f3 lh-copy">
<div class="flex flex-column flex-row">
{% set args = { post_type: "service", posts_per_page: 6 } %}
{% set posts = mb.get_posts( args ) %}
{% for key, post in posts %}
{% if key % 2 == 0 %}
{% endif %}
<div class="pv3 ph2">
<span class="ttu b f3 brand-primary bg-brand-secondary pa1 w-80 db">{{ post.post_title }}</span>
<p>{{ post.post_content|slice( 0, 130) }}...</p>
<a class="f4 b link dim br1 ph3 pv2 mb2 dib hover-brand-secondary brand-secondary bg-brand-primary" href="{{ post.post_link }}">Read More</a>
{% if key % 2 != 0 %}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}